Sunday, 30 March 2008

los gatos

I rarely go on the internet on a Sunday, deeming it a sacred day where I do nothing work-like (including cleaning). But as I've got the exhibition next weekend and designs for the display boards are still going back and forth between London and Ibiza, I've had to log-on on a Sunday to sign off on designs.

Now that I'm here, I thought it a good moment to introduce those wonderful gatos I share the house with, the cats! Red has already had plenty of coverage in my posts and his photo graced the post previous to this one. Red and I are great friends and have been since my first day at the house. He is a wonderful cat and I love him dearly. Of the five cats at the house, only three miaow and he is one of them. If you spend enough time at the house, you soon recognise the different miaows and know which cat it is. 

Red is up at my bedroom window as soon as it's light. He comes in through the window and waits with me while I do some yoga. Sometimes he joins in. Usually when he miaows he wants food or milk but sometimes he's just after a cuddle. Although there was one evening last week when he was in the house, miaowing away. I'd already given him some food and milk and didn't know what he wanted so I left him. I then went into my bedroom and saw Red trying to get out through a window that was closed. Nature was calling and he couldn't get out. I opened the front door and he bolted out before there was an accident. 

The two cats in the photo above are the babies of the house. Brother and sister, affectionately known (by me) as Little Red and Blacky. Like most siblings, they scrap but can also be found fast asleep, curled up next to each other. They were left at the house as kittens and have always been a bit wild. Little Red is okay and has always let me stroke her. Blacky, on the other hand, is paranoid and skitty, always ready for fight or flight. You couldn't touch him or get close to him, he'd swipe at your hand and his claws are sharp. Once when I was sat on the porch stroking Red and Little Red, Blacky was close by, watching the other cats get some attention, possibly a little enviously. I gently had a go at stroking him and he let me stroke him a couple of times, purring furiously. Then he swiped at my hand so I stopped and went back to the other cats. Blacky shouldered his sister out of the way and took her place getting stroked. It was hilarious to see. 

Since then, Blacky and I have also become good friends. He's still wild, still prone to bite and scratch but I don't think he realises that it can hurt. He trys to play fight with me, the way he does with some of the other cats but it never works. Even with his moments of wildness, it's amazing to see how tame he's become in recent weeks. Whenever I'm in the house or garden, Blacky is usually near by, often weaving amongst my legs and always purring furiously. He seems to want love and affection more than extra food or milk - he always gobbles it down if he gets any but never really asks (unlike Red). Although that may be because he doesn't miaow. I have become very fond of him. His personality is vastly different to Red, he's a cheeky devil, always getting into mischief but deep down inside, he's not as brave as he makes out. If the stray tom cat that terrorises the house turns up to steal the food, Blacky is usually hiding behind the sofa, not defending his patch.  

Little Red doesn't miaow, she squeaks. We think she may be pregnant, her tummy is looking suspiciously big. She's barely a baby herself. She used to get lots of attention from me, it's been less so in recent weeks due to her big brother. If he sees any other cat getting attention, he's straight in wanting some himself so the other cats are missing out on some tlc. 

The other two cats in the house are Fouzie/Fozzie and Sheba. Fouzie is black, long-haired and had us in fits of laughter once when it was windy and his hair was blown up so it looked like he had big hair. He has a funny lop-sided face, I'm not sure why that is. Fouzie and Blacky can often be found play-fighting in the house. On the one hand, it's quite amusing as they look so funny, on the other  hand, it's destructive as they always managed to knock things over. I usually end up sending them outside to carry on there.

The last cat is Sheba. She's the old lady of the place and isn't friends with any of the other cats. She always misses out on treats as she won't lower herself to eat from the same dish that any of the other cats are eating out of. She keeps herself to herself, hisses sharply if any of the cats get too close to her and is the one cat that I have no connection with. I don't think she really cares - she won't even be friendly in the hope of getting some treats, all she does is miaow.   

The cats are wonderful company, particularly while Bea's been away. They keep me entertained and amused. They even come on walks with me. I took a long walk on Easter Monday and Red and Blacky came with me. We went the back way, through the fields. I was amazed at how far they came, I kept expecting them to have enough and turn round and go home. But they came all the way with me, sniffing and exploring as we went. I turned back before we got onto the main road but it was a good walk. I think the cats enjoyed it but may have ended up being a bit thirsty by the end as on the way home, they both ran alongside me, mouths open, looking as if they were panting. 

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