Sunday, 25 May 2008

A furry five update

It's grey and rainy again today so little to do. There are a few bits of potential good news in the pipeline but seeing that I need to nail them all, I'm not going to talk about them yet. Instead an update on the kittens who are becoming more and more gorgeous by the day.

I love the "family photo" here with the two cats and all the kittens, although the black cat is Baggy their uncle, not their dad. I'm not sure what came over him, normally he's trying to steal Little Red's food and terrorise the kittens. But I walked into their room last Monday and there they all were, like one little happy family. He was being very caring, cleaning Little Red and helping to clean and look after the kittens. I think maybe he knew that Little Red was exhausted from looking after the brood and so he stepped in to help out, a bit of sibling support. But this lovely scene only lasted the day, by the next day he was back stalking the kittens, pouncing on them and generally scaring them!

The brood is doing well and they all have names now (that I've given them. New owners can change them of course). We've got Fluffy, Simba, Tyke, Lady and Splodge. I hope Lady is a girl otherwise he might have an identity crisis, although one of our cats in London was called Gina and he was a boy. There was a very good reason for this. 

We did have to make a trip to the vet's this week though. The kittens had an eye infection that needed treatment. It started off just looking like they had dirty eyes but it got steadily worse and they ended up with red watery eyes, or an eye glued shut or in the case of Tyke, both eyes glued shut. So I put all the kittens into the cat carrier, added in Little Red and off we went. Poor Little Red, she was so scared by the whole thing that she had an accident on the way there and as she had a dodgy belly, by the time we got to the vets, the inside of the cage, the kittens and Little Red were all covered in shit. And some of it leaked out into the van so this week I was cleaning cat poo, last week I was cleaning cat sick - as you can see, I'm leading quite a glamourous life!

Anyway, the kittens eyes are getting better and I have to apply eye cream to them every morning. The vet said they were doing well, although Little Red was completely exhausted from looking after them. They continue to get cuter and cuter and their antics keep me amused for hours. I'm going to keep one for myself - little Simba has won my heart  and he's going to be mine. That's him standing up in the photo. Although all the kittens are lovely and I'm happy to say they all have great personalities! Hopefully we should be able to find good homes for them without too much trouble but it seems to be kitten-season in Ibiza now and there are posters everywhere of kittens looking for homes. I've started weaning the kittens this weekend. They weren't really interested in the Whiskas kitten food that I put out for them so Little Red (and probably Baggy) polished that off. But when I gave Little Red some roast chicken, their little noses started twitching and before long, all five were scoffing little bits of roast chicken. Tyke was a little slow at eating, I think he's the youngest and generally gets pushed out of the way. But when I held little pieces of chicken up for him, he started eating scoffing like his siblings!

That's all on the kitten update - I'm sure I'll be writing about them again!  

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