Saturday, 14 June 2008

A cure for feeling homesick....

In one of my posts last week, I think I mentioned that I'd been feeling homesick, I was really missing my friends. At times I found myself thinking "what were you thinking leaving everyone behind?" In London I had a very strong network of people around me who knew me, had shared experiences with me and loved and cared about me. I'd left that to come and live on a beautiful island where I didn't really know anyone. There is something about that warmth from friendship that you bask in when it surrounds you. And I was noticing the lack of it. 

It's not as if I haven't met people here, I have. But apart from Bea, I wouldn't count anyone as a friend, more lovely acquaintances who could become friends. Here I'm another one of the hordes who turns up on the island, charmed by it's beauty and wanting to live here.....

Anyway, I went out last night to Pacha as Basement Jaxx were playing. I've known Felix and Simon for about ten years, being a regular fixture at their unforgettable parties in Brixton over the last decade. I was with Ruby and Rachel who also went to their London parties and although I don't know them that well, we have the immediate connection of mutual friends and shared parties. A little dose of my life from London coupled with an ace selection of tunes from the Jaxx meant I jumped around loads, recreating a little bit of Brixton in Pacha. Although this time I was wearing wedge heels and at their parties, I'd always be in trainers for maximum dancing potential. A few hours out seeing friends from home knocked out the homesickness and I woke this morning feeling very chipper, although I'd only had about four hours sleep. It also felt really good to dance again! It's been over five months since I was last spotted on a dance floor and I have missed having a good old groove!  

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