Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Feels like home....

The last few days have been spent working loads, seeing the numerous friends who are on the island and getting settled into my new home. It's a slow process as I haven't yet had a full day to dedicate to the task in hand but getting there!

The studio, although tiny, uses all the tricks I would suggest for anyone living in a very small space. I've got a coffee table that can also double as a dining table, a sofa that can also accommodate visitors (very comfortable too as I spent the first few nights sleeping on it) and a bed that goes into the wall during the day. There are four dining chairs that can stack up when not in use and lots of storage space both in the flat and in a dedicated storage space just outside of the flat. Although it's still a mess with boxes and Ikea blue bags full of stuff looking for homes, once everything is in it's place, the flat will actually feel quite spacious - one of the benefits of open plan living!

I think I may have my first visitors this weekend. Already I'm excited about inviting people over and hanging out in my pad with the lovely views of Es Vedra. It dawned on me that I never invited anyone over to my old house, perhaps I didn't want anyone to see where I was living. Now that I'm away from that house, when I think about it, it makes me shudder - it was pretty shabby. I pulled a shoe out of a bag the other day and it was full of dust and dirt, it was horrible. It never felt like you could get the old house really clean as it was too full of D's stuff and dirty to start with. Even though at first I made a bit of an effort, I lost my connection with the house after D's visit at Easter and didn't make that much of an effort afterwards. I did my bit, washing up and taking the rubbish to the recycling and keeping the kitchen surfaces clean but that was it. Bea had a go at me once about not doing enough around the house and she had a point but I didn't feel any desire to clean a place I took no pride in. My room the last few weeks I was there was an absolute mess but I wasn't in the least bit motivated to tidy it up. Just as well I moved when I did and now I'm in a lovely new place! As soon as it's all tidy and I've got some photos, I'll stick them in a post.

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