Saturday, 15 November 2008

Where has the moon gone?

It was a full moon two nights ago. I'm not sure if we get bigger moons here but it was huge, like a massive silver cheese in the sky. In the normal pitch-black surroundings, the moonlight was like a torch beaming down. Last night the moon was big and bright (but obviously not quite as big as the night before). It proved useful to guide me home when I ended up having to walk back from our villas.

We've got some press staying at one of our villas and the journalist arrived last night. We accompanied them to their villa and then I whizzed off to get pizza for them. We're good like that, looking after our guests - when you've got two adults and two one year-olds who've just flown in and it's late, it's best to provide some food, not send them off in the direction of the nearest supermarket (about twenty minutes away) or point out any restaurants that might be open. Anyway, I went off to get pizza for them, slightly alarmed by the noise that my van has been making in recent weeks. In fact, it's been making this strange noise ever since I took it to the garage. It's as if I traded in one strange noise for another, one disappeared but another one took it's place. I got to the pizza place, ordered the pizzas and then headed back to our guests. I think this was one pizza delivery they were very glad to see and I'm probably slighty more glamorous than your average pizza delivery person. I stayed and chatted for a little while and then took myself off home as it was getting late.

I got in the van, started it and absolutely nothing happened. I tried again, and a second time, nothing. So I got out, grabbed my laptop out of the back and started walking home. The moonlight guided me all the way and it was really quite special having a late night walk and seeing everything bathed in silver. I got home twenty minutes later so at least I now know how long it takes to walk from our villas to our shop and home.

Tonight I noticed the moon has disappeared. It's strange, it's not cloudy as the sky is flooded with stars. But the moon is strangely missing. I'm wondering why that is? And I hope it makes an appearance soon. I've got to meet the photographer who is arriving later tonight and take him to the villa. The van is still not working (but fingers crossed will be up and running tomorrow morning) so once again, I've got to walk back from the villa. That walk isn't going to be quite the same without the moonlight - I must remember to take my torch!

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