Monday, 1 December 2008

On the move. Again....

I'm going to move into the new place today. It was meant to happen yesterday but the van broke down again on Saturday night when I was in Ibiza town so I abandoned it there and it got picked up and fixed today. So now I'm with wheels, I can move.

As I'm still keeping my other place (so now I'll have two homes as well as two lives, two cultures etc), I'm only taking essentials with me. Packing took exactly twenty minutes - I bet I don't really miss all the things I leave behind. All this moving around is making me really hanker after pared-down living. I'd love to whittle down what I really need and just live with that. I thought I was pretty good in London, regularly decluttering but when I was last in London, I was on the hunt for some essential papers packed away in my parents loft. Although I'd marked my boxes, I still wasn't sure which box my papers were in so I had to go through the lot. I was amazed at the amount of rubbish packed in the boxes. What was I thinking? I can only imagine that in my panic to get packed up before I left London, I stuffed things into boxes instead of taking the time to go through things, sorting out what I needed and what could go. So far, the only things I've missed while I've been here are my books (as well as my friends) and that's been fixed with lots of new reading material that should keep me satisfied for the next few months.

Hopefully it shouldn't take too long to get settled into the new place. I didn't really get properly settled into my other flat due to trips oversees and things needing to be done and not getting done. I'm not good if my home environment is unsettled as it has a knock-on effect on my quality of life. So new home and it's all change once again! I've started telling people about the new place so hopefully I'll have lots of visitors - I was concerned I was turning into a bit of a hermit. It's easily done when you live and work in the same place and work a lot! I'll post some photos once I'm settled in!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats on your new house...i want to see pictures! xo carly