Monday, 5 January 2009

The plan

It's my last night in London, back to Ibiza tomorrow afternoon. I'm anticipating a conversation on Wednesday that outlines my plans - I hope it goes well!

Seeing that I've got two months left on the island, I want to make the most of my time there. This involves getting around as much of the island as possible, with camera in hand. Obviously it also involves spending time with friends, squeezing time in wherever possible amongst my usual work six days a week.

As it's also the beginning of the year and a time for resolutions, here are a few things I'd like to get in place over the next two months, to have me ready for my return. Aside from the usual eat well and drink lots of water, I'm going to add in a 3-times a week swimming routine. I didn't do much yoga or meditation last year so I'd like to get that back in place - it's important, it makes a huge difference to your day to day life and is good for you. I'm going to find the Bikram studio in town and head off there once a week too. It's so easy to become a hermit in the evenings, straight home after work and not out again. But it's time to change that! I've also got about two months of supplements left for my kinesiology and I'd like to get that finished, even if it does mean taking the horse pills.

I'm feeling quite re-energised and looking forward to returning to London, refreshed and rested. I feel like I've got lots of energy and a part of me wonders how far I could run if I tried. And would I feel any different after doing some exercise? I ask this because once upon a time, even a short run would make the endomorphins fly around my body. I would get that buzz from the smallest bit of exercise. It was the same with tweaking my diet to make it more healthy. Just the sight of fruit and veg would increase my energy levels. Sadly, this hasn't been the case for a few years now. My body isn't able to turn nutrients into energy, I don't know why but this is the main reason that I'm seeing a kinesiologist. I really hope that this rest I've had is just what I needed and my body returns to previous energy levels.

As I slowly mention to friends about returning, conversations always turn to the doom and gloom of Britain. People having to reassess their lives and cut back wherever possible. And the thought that goes through my head is "hello, welcome to my world!" Ever since I was made redundant in October 2002 and embarked on the path of the freelance person, I've had to cut back on frivilous spending and unnecessary treats. That air of uncertainty, of not knowing what's around the corner, I've lived with that for over six years and you get used to it, even embrace it. It keeps you on your toes, the only security you have is to be the best you can be and always believe that even if things feel wobbly, that passes and something better will replace it. You need to keep your most positive head on at all times, no matter how difficult it might be, and go forwards, always go forwards!

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