For things that are so small, my adrenals have caused big problems over the years. Well, I guess it's not their fault, I tend to do things that aren't exactly stress-free. For years, the stress of setting up and running a business played havoc with my adrenals who responded by playing havoc with my hormones. I spent a couple of years in and out of the doctor's surgery, trying to sort out what was going on to no avail. It was only when I started going to see a kinesiologist that the cause of my problems was identified.
My adrenals are like my achilles heel, my personal weak spot. When placed under undue stress or faced with an unexpected stressful situation, my adrenals are likely to "pop". I only know because I start to feel quite strange and overly-sensitive to situations that occur. I had hoped that moving overseas and a very different quality of life would help with stress levels. And yes, being away from hectic city life suits me much better. But life carries on and there are still things that I worry about, no matter how idyllic the surroundings.
My adrenals have recently popped. I can't think of any particular event that caused them to go (at times I've known exactly when they've gone) but I guess the whole move has placed me under greater stress levels, although possibly a different kind of stress to the type I experienced living in London. Luckily the supplements I need to take to fix the adrenals are here with me and I've got to start taking them. I don't like taking them, it's like taking a pill for a horse and you have to bite them, as opposed to swallowing them. They taste like cat food. Not that I've actually tasted cat food, I'm guessing that cat food would taste like these pills. But they work, they fix my adrenals and they do it quite quickly.
Perhaps years of stress have permanently affected my adrenals, making them go pop quite easily. Well, that's how it feels. Or perhaps I put myself in far more stressful situations than most people. But I've found that the daily meditations have made a big difference in handling how I feel. So it's good to see the benefits of the meditations so quickly. I was trying to see if I could fix my adrenals just by meditation alone but I don't think it's going to work so cat-food flavoured horse pills it is!
I take Calm Thoughts on most days and I think it helps with stress and anxiety. Living in Ibiza would be stress free if we swanned around a pool all day sipping G&T but most of us have to work bloody hard to stay here so stress is still an issue.
Have you ever had your cortisol levels checked? If you suffer stress for a prolonged time your levels could go up causing long term damage.
I think it takes a couple of years to adjust to life here and once you do you will find you slow down and become less stressed. That may be partly due to it taking a couple of years to become secure in your work more than anything else though.
Hi Hannah! How are you? I think my cortisol levels are okay, if they weren't, the kinesiologist would probably have picked up on it.
I just put myself in far more stressful situations than most people so no surprise that sometimes it affects my health.....
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